Ballybricken & Barrack Street DVDs - Availability Over Christmas

Important Note: The Waterford Youth Arts offices are closing Friday 19th December for Christmas. The following local companies have kindly agreed to stock the Ballybricken and Barrack Street DVDs over Christmas. Thanks so much to all involved. Please click on 'read more' for a list of stockists:

Breaking News! DVD Launch - Ballybricken and Barrack Street Films

Great news everyone! We are launching a double DVD set of the Ballybricken and Barrack Street films which will be available in time for Christmas. A not to be missed window into the social history of previous generations and a perfect Christmas gift for local people. Priced at only €10.00, available from the week of the 15th of December here at WYA. Please order on 051-879377.

Tickets On Sale: 30 Hours for Waterford Youth Arts at Garter Lane

Leading members of Waterford's theatrical and creative community are coming together in January to take part in a special fundraising event for Waterford Youth Arts. The event will take place on Saturday 31st of January in Garter Lane, providing a great night of entertainment. Work will include a wonderful mix of short plays, performances, film, dance, music, song, poetry and all kinds of unexpected characters and creations. Early booking is essential. Date: Saturday 31st January 2015 Venue: Garter Lane Tickets: €12.50/€15.00

Please note that all money raised from this event will support the Waterford Youth Arts programme for 2015 as we continue to facilitate young people from Waterford to participate in creative activity. Please support this event & book tickets early!

Take Part in 30 Hours for Waterford Youth Arts

30 Hours for Waterford Youth Arts is taking place on January 31st in Garter Lane. If you are a former member of WYA or a member of the local arts community why not get involved? The evening will showcase the work of some of the best local adult actors, writers, directors, dancers, choreographers, film makers and singers as they get together to support Waterford Youth Arts in bringing creative activity to the next generation. Help us to bring another year of creative activities and productions to the young people of Waterford! Please contact or 051-879377

'The Christmas Wish' - Tickets Available Now!

Tickets are now on sale for 'The Christmas Wish' by Martina Collender. The show will run Monday 15th - Wednesday 17th of December and will take place here at the Arch, Barrack Street at 8pm each evening. The perfect way for all the family to get into the Christmas spirit! Places are very limited so prior booking is essential. Tickets  €5.00 per person. Bookings 051-879377 or email