Waterford Youth Arts - Autumn 2018 Workshops

Autumn has arrived and so has a whole new term of exciting Workshops starting this Saturday the 22nd of September, but that's not all as there are a couple of new additions.
Trish Murphy is returning to teach Dance this term where she's running both the 3-5 and 6-8 Dance Workshops while Jess Rowell will be teaching the Dance Workshop for 9-11 year old's as well as a brand new Dance workshop for 12 to 16 year old's, down in Garter Lane Art's Centre this term.
Registration is officially open for all your favourite workshops, including Circus Skills, Drama, Film, Dance, Art and Creative Writhing, with workshops for young people from 3 to 19 year old's, WYA covers a wide variety of artistic interest’s, with no prior experience needed - new young people always welcome.
The price for a term of activity is 45 euro per term with the exception of the Visual Arts Workshop which is EUR 65 euro per term to cover art materials. Discounts are available for two or more children from the same family and a bursary scheme is available. Payments are taken through eventbrite or by signing up directly at our office.

The arts are a proven way for a young person to develop confidence, teamwork skills and communication skills, while having lots of fun. WYA is a safe and secure environment for all young people. All staff and Volunteers are vetted with the National Vetting Bureau. 

Feel free to drop in to our office up in The Arch on Barrack Street, contact us through social media either through our Facebook group or Twitter page. You can also email us at, or give us a call at 051 879377, if you have any enquiries or questions.