WYA Workshops 2017

Registration Mon 9th January - Friday 20th January

Costs: Dance, Film, Creative writing and Drama costs €45 per term. Art is €65, includes cost of materials. There are discounts for more than one family member. If any child has a difficulty paying the fee, then speak to one of the tutors or office staff about our bursary scheme.

SATURDAY (21st Jan)
Art, 5-7 years, The Arch, Barrack St, 10-11.30am
Art, 8-10 years,  The Arch, Barrack St, 11.45-1.15am
Creative Writing, 7-10 years, Central Library, Lady lane, 10.00-11.30am
Creative Writing, 11-13 years, Central Library, Lady lane, 11.30-1.00pm
Creative Writing, 14-18 years, Central Library, Lady lane, 2.00-4.00pm

MONDAY (23rd Jan)
Drama, 15-19 years, The Arch, Barrack St, 7-9pm
Art, 11-13 years, The Arch, Barrack St, 5.00-6.30pm

TUESDAY (24th Jan)
Drama, 9-11 years, The Arch, Barrack St, 4.30-6pm
Drama, 12-14 years. The Arch Barrack St. 6-8pm

WEDNESDAY (25th Jan)
Film, 9-11 years. The Arch, Barrack St, 4.30-6pm
Film, 12-14 years. The Arch, Barrack St. 6-7.30pm
Film, 15-19 years. The Arch, Barrack St. 7.30-9pm

THURSDAY (26th Jan)
Dance, 3-4 years, The Arch, Barrack St, 4-4.40pm
Dance, 5-7 years, The Arch, Barrack St, 4.45-5.45pm
Dance, 8-11 years. The Arch, Barrack St, 6.00-7.15pm

For Further Information:
WYA, The Arch Barrack Street, Tel.051 879377
Email: info@waterfordyoutharts.com
Web: http://www.waterfordyoutharts.com/

Note: WYA operates on an open door policy; all young people are welcome, new people always welcome - no previous experience neccesary.