28 Hours Waterford Youth Arts

On the 21st of January Waterford Youth Arts are having a major fundraiser in Garter lane Theatre.
Over 80 local adult theatre actors, directors, writers and crew alongside local musicians, filmmakers, poets and dancers will get together to create new performing arts for WYA.

The event kicks off on the 20th at 4pm with all the artists gathering in various locations in the city with a blank piece of paper and then it all culminates 28 hours later in Garter lane Theatre at 8pm on Saturday the 21st with new short drama pieces, films, dance and music.

Community Arts awards to Waterford Youth Arts, IPB Pride of Place Awards 2016

WYA is very happy to have received a lovely acknowledgement at the 2016 annual IPB All-Island Pride of Place Awards ceremony in Belfast.
WYA represented Waterford in the Community Arts Category entry and came away with the award after impressing the judges during their visit earlier this year.

The judges commented on the strong tradition in drama, dance and film but also in its role as an educational resource to Waterford. 


This Christmas Waterford Youth Arts presents our annual Christmas play, Picture Perfect Christmas performed by the 12-14 year old drama group.

Expect our usual WYA fun.

Written by Martina Collender

Venue: WYA, The Arch, The Barracks, Barrack Street, Waterford
Date: Tuesday 20th & Wednesday 21st December at 7pm
Admission: €5 and €15 for a family of four


This week we are taking on a new challenge we are asking all the members to think about our own little radio programme. Well maybe two radio programmes one made by younger members (under 12's) and one made by the older teenagers and both programmes aimed at their own age group listeners.
So what we need is content - most iphones etc. have very good audio recording devices on board so you could get started straight away or just start writing content. It could be a radio play, a poem, a story (with sound effects added later), it could be an interview with someone, a review of an arts event, a vox pop on some issue that you think is important, an opportunity to play one of your own songs etc. etc.
Next Saturday 12th Nov. at 4pm we will read through the ideas and then plan the recordings. Martin and Niamh will look after all the technical side.
Send any scripts / ideas to me - ollie@waterfordyoutharts.com - marked WYA FM OR just come along Saturday - Spread the word in your workshops.
See you then

We're All Saints Out Here

You can now get your copy of 'We're All Saints Out Here' the new film about the early days of St. John's Park and surrounding areas. They are selling for €10 and can be purchased from: 
Waterford Youth Arts, Barrack Street
The Book Centre
and in the St. Johns Park Area: 
Bobby's Butchers, Ballytruckle
Centra in St. Johns Park
Bradys Pub, St. Johns Park
Spread the word

Horribly Historic Trails

'All goes well for about a week
And then your coffin begins to leak'

Waterford Youth Arts in association with Imagine Arts Festival presented 'Horribly Historical Trails' in the Viking Triangle from Tuesday 25- Friday 28th October 2016. A Hallowe'en inspired chilling experience for all, audiences followed Crotty the Highway Man as the story meandered and weaved through the Viking Triangle to the sorry tale of war and The Boy Soldier while Chairman's Arch harbored audiences to avoid the claws of the Body snatchers and certain impalement! 


Registration Mon 9th January - Friday 20th January

Costs: Dance, Film, Creative writing and Drama costs €45 per term. Art is €65, includes cost of materials. There are discounts for more than one family member. If any child has a difficulty paying the fee, then speak to one of the tutors or office staff about our bursary scheme.

SATURDAY (21st Jan)
Art, 5-7 years, The Arch, Barrack St, 10-11.30am
Art, 8-10 years,  The Arch, Barrack St, 11.45-1.15am
Creative Writing, 7-10 years, Central Library, Lady lane, 10.00-11.30am
Creative Writing, 11-13 years, Central Library, Lady lane, 11.30-1.00pm
Creative Writing, 14-18 years, Central Library, Lady lane, 2.00-4.00pm

MONDAY (23rd Jan)
Drama, 15-19 years, The Arch, Barrack St, 7-9pm
Art, 11-13 years, The Arch, Barrack St, 5.00-6.30pm

TUESDAY (24th Jan)
Drama, 9-11 years, The Arch, Barrack St, 4.30-6pm
Drama, 12-14 years. The Arch Barrack St. 6-8pm

WEDNESDAY (25th Jan)
Film, 9-11 years. The Arch, Barrack St, 4.30-6pm
Film, 12-14 years. The Arch, Barrack St. 6-7.30pm
Film, 15-19 years. The Arch, Barrack St. 7.30-9pm

THURSDAY (26th Jan)
Dance, 3-4 years, The Arch, Barrack St, 4-4.40pm
Dance, 5-7 years, The Arch, Barrack St, 4.45-5.45pm
Dance, 8-11 years. The Arch, Barrack St, 6.00-7.15pm

For Further Information:
WYA, The Arch Barrack Street, Tel.051 879377
Email: info@waterfordyoutharts.com
Web: http://www.waterfordyoutharts.com/

Note: WYA operates on an open door policy; all young people are welcome, new people always welcome - no previous experience neccesary.